Thursday, December 31, 2009

Research Tools

Copernic Agent Professional is helpful when that hard to find information is required for a case or background check. We have been extremely surprised with the results achieved to date using Copernic Agent Professional.

Also our popular list of search engines are Google, Altavista, Yahoo, Hotbot, Exite, Lycos, Ask Jeeves, MSN, Metacrawler, Dogpile, Mamma, Surfwax, & Clusty for best search results.

Please visit the website link below to the Coprenic website where you can view Copernic Agent Professional & the Copernic Agent Family of products. Copernic Agent Basic is free.


PJL 31st December 2010

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reverse Telephone Number Search - Name Search - Address Search

Before the end of 2009 we would like to provide some information regarding an excellent database that has been available this year. Mirus Online covers Australian names, addresses, landline telephone numbers and mobile telephone numbers and many other records.

If you need access to the latest data for business reasons, Mirus Online provides custom tools to search, cross reference and verify from over 110 million Australian records.

Please visit the Mirus Online website via the website link below.

Mirus Online

Have a prosperous New Year.

PJL 30th December 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009

Cell Phone Calls & Text Messages Interception

In the last few months we have been inundated with calls regarding the interception of cell telephone calls and text messages. There are many programs on the market and many more becoming available that allow people to monitor, track you and eavesdrop on you. Your cell telephone can be monitored by a remote eavesdropper who taps into your cell telephone and listens to your calls, your conversations or reads your text messages.

 A program called Flexispy can bug a cell telephone, allowing people to listen into your voice audio call and compromise your cell telephone converstaions. Your conversations can be heard from within the vicinity of your cell telephone even if you are not talking on the cell telephone. The microphone can be turned on in your cell telephone by a remote eavesdropper and then your conversations listened into from within the vicinity of where your cell telephone is sitting, eavesdropped on by a remote cell telephone from almost any where in the world.

Smart phones don't offer much protection and the spyware programs used to compromise them are inexpensive but they require someone to physically access your cell telephone in order to install the spyware program. Lovers, spouses, parents and coworkers are the victims.

To determine if your cell telephone is being eavesdropped on or intercepted there are signs that your cell telephone may have had spyware programs installed:

1. If your LCD screen flashes on and off without cause could indicate an incoming eavesdropper call.

2. If your cell telephone is warm and you haven't been using it or charging it, this could indicate unauthorised

3. If the cell telephone battery looses power in short periods of time for no reason at all, this could indicate
surreptitious communication.

4. Your monthly bill may show an unknown rise in sms or data transmission activity. This could indicate that
your cell telephone is being accessed without your permission or knowledge.

5. Maybe your cell telephone has been receiving text messages that don't make sense (for example,
<#*56><54321789>) which could indicate failed attempts to send systems commands.

Read more at Flexispy

PJL 28th December 2009

TSCM Debugging Investigation Related Training Courses

TSCM Debugging Investigation Training can be quite difficult to obtain from just any city in the world. We have identified some home study courses becoming available now, advertised via the World Wide Web and we would like to share that information with visitors to our website and blog.

The training courses are theory based including exams to obtain certification upon completion with the training organisation conducting the training. It is a good opportunity for those interested in entering the TSCM Debugging Investigation Industry with some training, where agents haven't been able to travel thousands of kilometres to attend theory & practical based training.

Please visit the website links below to view the training programs.

TSCM Training

TSCM Training

PJL 28th December 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Summer Surveillance Tips

1. Keep as many windows in your vehicle open as possible using car window socks
2. Install a small independently powered fan with a secure cover over the fan blade
3. Drink water & have plenty on hand
4. Drink electrolytes
5. Spray yourself with water
6. Get your surveillance vehicle into the shade where possible
7. Wear shorts, sandals & tank tops
8. Keep your hair short, shower prior to & after surveillance
9. Have an ice box on hand
10. Have a wet towel soaked in cold water & carry dry towels
11. Position your vehicle to expose the vehicle & yourself to the wind & breeze
12. Use airconditioning prior to arrival & run the fan only, 30 minutes after pulling up
13. Switch places with a second surveillance vehicle to run the airconditioner away from the target
14. If possible work at night
15. Use sunblock
16. Carry a urine bottle
17. Charge Summer rates for surveillance.
18. Accept the contract & hire competent sub-contractors to conduct the surveillance

PJL 22nd December 2009

Penguin Books Australia - Crims in Grass Castles: The True Story of Trimbole, Mr Asia and the by Keith Moor

Penguin Books Australia - Crims in Grass Castles: The True Story of Trimbole, Mr Asia and the by Keith Moor

PJL 22nd December 2009