Thursday, January 21, 2010

Strategic Control Plan in Dealing with Fraud & Corruption

An organisation or a business has a responsibility to protect against attempts by a person to gain by deceit, information, assets, money or other inappropriate benefit or advantage. A fraud control plan is a building block to an ethical and successful organisation.

Fraud prevention and control is the responsibility of all staff and all levels of management, and not just selected people within an organisation or a business.

Our Strategic Control Plan in Dealing with Fraud & Corruption will be achieved by implementing these concepts with a rigorous standard of investigation into allegations of misconduct, including fraud.

Please visit the web site link below to our Strategic Control Plan in Dealing with Fraud & Corruption.

Strategic Control Plan in Dealing with Fraud & Corruption

PJL 21st January 2010

Social Networks a Goldmine of Information

People are not using as much discretion as they should when communicating on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

It becomes easy for competitors to mine information about relationships when people link to their friends and communicate online. If a competitor is watching, valuable information could be obtained by connecting the dots. 

PJL 21st January 2010