Friday, January 29, 2010

Driver's Licence Photos Used For Intelligence Gathering

A helpful tip in doing business involving substantial amounts of money, regular payments owing or contacting witnesses at a later date, is to request a photo driver licence from a person you intend to do business with prior to or upon drawing up an agreement, lease or contract. A colour scanned copy of a photo driver licence can be taken where permission is granted by the owner of the driver's licence and a declaration obtained, stating that the scanned copy of the driver's licence is to be used for identification purposes only for your business dealings.

Photo intelligence in identifying persons of interest is quite important when a debt collector or process server has to knock on a door to process serve a legal document or to conduct a field call. A debt collector or process server may knock on the door at an address to speak with persons and find that the person of interest that they need to make contact with, have moved address or are evading contact with the debt collector or process server. A debtor or witness can attempt to change their identity by disguising their appearance, shaving their head, dying their hair or even losing weight over time.

An experienced debt collector or process server will know if they have sighted the correct person of interest, by being able to examine current photo intelligence prior to making contact with persons in the public because there will be certain distinguishing features for facial recognition in a photo that doesn't change a lot in short periods of time. It could be the shape of the mouth, the size and shape of a nose, the depth and colour of the eyes or the width & shape of the forehead from photo intelligence, that allows an experienced debt collector or process server to undertake a successful process service or field call with the person of interest promptly and efficiently.

A debt collector or process server has access to database information for current and past address information for locating persons of interest legally.

In having current photo intelligence and reasonable address information, an experienced debt collector or process server can deduce enough intelligence to undertake successful contact with the correct person of interest and succeed in having an affidavit completed for a legal process.

PJL 29th January 2010