Thursday, April 1, 2010

Unlicensed Untaxable & Unworthy

I can't say that I am surprised but really annoyed with the private inquiry agents, private investigators and contacts we have had come to us, that contact us about obtaining subcontract business or employment in states of Australia, without licences for the state they wish to work in. Not to mention, the contacts that have come to us looking for cash in hand payment for work.

All industry personnel should be well aware by now, that if they want to run a private inquiry agent's business or a private investigator's business legally in states of Australia, they must have a Security Firm Business Licence or a Master Licence, for the state in Australia that they work in.

We will not engage illegal subcontract business or tax evasion activities, so please don't contact us if this is what you have in mind.

All private inquiry agent and private investigator subcontractors who are undertaking commercial business should have a Security Firm Business Licence or a Master Licence and potential employees interested in direct employment with us, should be able to provide a tax file number and complete an ATO Tax Declaration Form before engaging in work.

On a postive note, thank you to all of the law abiding personnel in the industry that we engage in business with regularly and we are pleased to deal with you all again.

PJL 1st April 2010